Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A seed of interest!

This year I want to be closer to my God then ever. I have prayed recently for the "meat and potatoes" of God. I have felt that I want to push past the "milk" and grow deeper in my relationship with Chirst. So like every other time, I have made up my mind to seek out this goal.  I begin early in the morning, I grab my coffee and sit down at my desk. I flip my bible open and begin to read. But there is a problem, everything I read seems old and common to me. I don't have any excitement in reading the word of God. I am becoming discouraged. I feel like its even harder to remember what I have just read. Each phrase seems barred from my memory. I read it over and over hoping it will sink in, but it doesn't.  

I have had the same feelings after a great Sunday sermon. I step out of the front doors of my church and reality confronts me. I lose hope of what I just heard. Within minutes the passionate spark dies, my head sinks and I accept once again the limitations of my life. Words that 20 minutes ago inspired me to be an overcomer, are now drowned out by the passing traffic. This happened every Sunday that I could remember from when I was 16. The inward church did not connect to my outward reality. Now this is the point to which I am reaching out to others that feel the same way, looking to a solution to a life constrained by "reality".

My reality, as I understand it, is outlined by the bad news at every turn. From the world news; war, earthquakes, tsunamis,  persecution. To the country; politics, mass shootings, economic distress, foreclosures, credit, and debt. The list can go on and on. In my own life; addictions, the death of my parents, a sense of unworthiness, lack of purpose, depression and fear. To my doubting friends these are the very reasons there can be no God, for how can a loving God permit such atrocities. My purpose here is to indulge into this argument and try to answer this specific question. God is good and he will not interfere with any persons freedom to choose. I have always held onto this belief, but this "reality" does weigh heavy on my heart. I know I am not the only one. Depression today is at epidemic levels, in this, the most affluent society on earth.  A good spiritual uplift is what I need, and not one, that only lasts 40 minutes of a good sermon, but each and every day, all day, and into the night. I seek the presence and closeness of my creator in everyday life. 

How do I get this spiritual up lift; and when attained, How do I sustain it? How do I get the strength of the lord, (Nehemiah 8:10). 

Anagoge Greek root word that meant a spiritual up lift, referring to a principle. Thus the title of this blog. The search for Anagoge. I plan to give my practical experience in how I  find hope and encouragement in these dark days. The solution is not to run from these troubles, but to have the strength to confront them head on, and the faith and courage to see them through. Join me I will publish my experience weekly on Wednesday afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. I love you and I am so thankful for you. I am excited to follow this and learn from you. You are so strong and have SO much to be proud of. Daddy is SO proud of you!
